How to create Clarity and Focus by letting go of feeling Overwhelmed!

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Why Do We feel Overwhelmed? Have you noticed that there is just too much going on in the world? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by it all? I've definitely felt it. They say you teach what you need to learn the most. I think this is why I picked this topic for this month's blog.

After working with clients needing help with feeling overwhelmed, I noticed that we all have the same complaints. "Hours go by everyday and at the end of the day, this feeling of not having enough done comes over me. What do I do? How can I stop feeling OVERWHELMED?"

Do you resonate with that? If you do, you are not alone. The amount of information we receive in every moment is too much to handle for our minds. Having to process every bit of it through Social Media, TV and other sources plus attending to our daily work by itself can be overwhelming.  Now add balancing work, home and children to that and the level of the stress gets to be much higher.  For our older generation using new technology by itself can be more frustrating than anything else. 

What is the main cause?

One main problem that I have noticed is (are you ready for it?) GIVING OUR POWER AWAY TO SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T EXIST ANYWHERE BUT IN OUR MINDS. Feeling overwhelmed does not exist outside of us, it only exists in our minds. This idea might be hard to grasp but if you look closely, you will find that you think “you are behind schedule” or you keep talking about being overwhelmed, talking about it keeps it true and causes you to live with this belief.

This idea or belief can be caused because of a few different reasons. 

1.      Not wanting to be responsible for our own lives, for our own greatness and wanting someone else to take care of us.

2.      Thinking that the way we live our lives should look different than it does or wanting things done a certain way.  Another words, having expectations that have not been met.

3.      When reality does not match with our expectation, feeling overwhelm takes over.  Mind has to create a solution for every problem.  When it can’t, it creates confusion and overwhelm.     


What are the best ways to release feeling overwhelmed?

Taking the right actions is the first step toward recovery.  Steps below can help you create what can inspire you. Moving you forward by giving you some control over your scheduling.    

1.      Set aside 1 hour.  Find a quite place, light a candle and play calming music.  After taking a few deep breaths feel your body.  Where do you feel being overwhelmed? Breath into the area, feel it and let it go by exhaling.

2.       Sit down with a pad of paper and a nice pen.

3.      Close your eyes and take a few more deep breaths.  Feel calm inside your body by listening to the music playing in the background or with a short meditation. 

4.      Make a list of all your projects and everything you have on your to do list.  Make sure every single item is on your list.  By putting everything on paper, your mind will be free and quiet.  

5.      Write down any incomplete past projects or tasks.   

6.      Make a list of projects you want to start but can’t find the time for them.

7.      Give each project a due date. 

8.      Prioritize your list by:

  • Due date

  • Which ones makes you feel good, (wanting to do)

  • Which ones you would like to delegate

  • What can be deleted from your list or pushed to a future date?

  • Write in your gratitude journal!

Now it is time to get into action, schedule projects that you like to do first on your calendar.  Get help with what will be delegated with new due dates.  Do your best to eliminate what does not have to be done now or soon. 

Doing these steps can bring you clarity and focus on what needs attention now with ease and harmony.  Please comment below with your progress.  I would love to be able to support you in your new life free from stress or overwhelm.