Breakthrough in one of my coaching sessions

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Today's session with my client was so amazing that I decided to share it on Facebook with her permission, of course. She was suffering from not being able to connect with people the way she wanted, specially people she loved the most. She wasn't able to show how deep her love is for them and that caused her her suffering and she felt stuck. After a few minutes of working together she realized that the underlying thought was "People take from me". This thought kept her safe and constraint because she wasn't able to be free, trusting and vulnerable. After doing more work and meditation she realized the actual thought that was at the core was "I take from me". This was even more shocking to her. At the end of the session she was able to let go of "I take from me" and created "I give fully to me". Instantly she felt calm and peaceful and I could see the joy she felt in her bright and smiley face. 

I hope this post has made a difference for you, if it has please make a comment below and I'd like to invite you to share it on your Facebook page if that resonates with you.