Happy Memorial Day


"It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle." - - Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf  

"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." - - Joseph Campbell

"Memorial Day this year is especially important as we are reminded almost daily of the great sacrifices that the men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life." -- Robin Hayes

"There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens can not cure." - - Dwight David Eisenhower

"Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it." - - Unknown

"Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay, but we can honor their sacrifice." - - President Barack Obama

"The United States and the freedom for which it stands, the freedom for which they died, must endure and prosper. Their lives remind us that freedom is not bought cheaply. It has a cost; it imposes a burden. And just as they whom we commemorate were willing to sacrifice, so too must we -- in a less final, less heroic way -- be willing to give of ourselves." - - Ronald Reagan


Zoya Mills