It's no one's fault!


There is a story of a man who’s visiting a spiritual master and he says, my life is like shattered glass.  My soul is tainted with evil.  Is there any hope for me?  Yes, said the master.  There is something whereby each broken thing is bound again, and every stain made clean.  What? The man asked. Forgiveness was the response.   Whom do I forgive?  Everyone….Life, God your neighbor, especially yourself.  Well, how is that done?  By this very understanding that no one is to blame, said the master, no one.  It’s a very powerful mantra, no one is to blame it’s no one’s fault.

I heard this story as I watched a video by Tara Bach this morning.  It completely absorbed me and took my breath away. 

(You can watch the whole video here:

What if we lived with this mantra; it’s no one’s fault.  Can you imagine?  There would be no more war, fight, judgment on others or us.  Wouldn’t that create heaven on earth?

When I was going through my grief over loss of my son, I always dealt with these questions: What had I done wrong and whose fault it had been that my son was no longer this planet?  And so on.

 The overwhelming feeling of grief that I felt going through these thoughts on daily basis was physically paralyzing me. 

Life opened up for me when I realized that it was no one’s fault.  I didn’t have to blame myself for the rest of my life because I didn’t have any control over what happened.  You see, in my opinion and from all of my studies and experiences I have learned that we are here to experience different emotions as Souls.  My son’s Soul was done and it was time for him to leave. 

Instead of blaming myself, others or even God, I started focusing on the gifts that I had received.  One of the biggest of these gifts is of course getting messages from him after he passed away.   Another gift is who I am now and how I can help others going through deep heartbreaks to find their own path and answers.  How I can create a spiritual connection with him even after he died.

Now that I listen to my clients talk about what they thought was their fault, I smile and then I ask, is that really true? 

Forgive everyone, life, God, your neighbor and specially yourself.   There is a whole world out there for you to discover.  You cannot and  will not get there by sitting in judgment and blame.