How to get off the emotional roller coaster

When our minds are at the source of our day to day lives, our focus is on; what we think we should "do" or how we should "be" and what "actions" we need to take. This is how we are programmed to live.


What if life was not based on Should's?  What if we had the presence and the freedom to simply choose how we want to be or what actions we want to take only  based on what inspires us and what pulls us forward?

The Should phenomena (as I like to call it) is  stronger when we are going through any type of Grief.  When we operate based on how we should be feeling or say the words we should be saying, we disconnect from our truth and what is important to us.

We tend to push down our emotional needs and wonder why we stuck in emotional roller coaster of grief. Or perhaps why we feel numb (should we be this way?).

The secret to releasing grief is being completely present to it and giving it the attention it is asking for.

Take a moment and just pay attention to what is going on in your body, what are you feeling?  What are the

should's that are running your day?  Are you willing to let them go?

During the time that it took me to write this blog, I felt tension in the back of my neck, after stopping a few times, I realized that " this should not be taking me this long to write" is going through my head.  So I stopped took a few breaths and gave myself the space I needed to finish the blog.  I can't tell you what a huge difference it made.  I kept writing with more enthusiasm and desire to share my thoughts. 

Next time you feel anxious and overwhelmed, take a moment and look for the should's that are swimming in your head.  They are right there, notice them, release them and then see the difference you feel inside.

Watch any plant or animal and let it teach you acceptance of what is, surrender to the Now. Let it teach you Being. Let it teach you integrity — which means to be one, to be yourself, to be real.

Let it teach you how to live and how to die, and how not to make living and dying into a problem.” Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment